What to Expect as a Family First Chiropractic Patient In Sparks NV

Chiropractic care ensures that the daily impacts of life are not wearing your health down over time. By thoroughly evaluating your health and current physical state, our chiropractic team in Sparks NV can help you detect problems before they develop into more severe issues.
Family First Chiropractic Approach in Sparks NV
Chiropractic care focuses on supporting your body's innate intelligence, increasing your ability to adapt to life's physical, chemical, and mental stressors.
Types of Care
We use various tools and techniques to correct subluxation, patterns that interfere with your neuro-spinal communication in your body. Depending on your unique needs, your care plan may include chiropractic adjustments, nervous system re-patterning, and soft tissue work.
Lifestyle Recommendations
At Family First Chiropractic, we believe that increasing your overall wellness and stress adaptability is best supported by lifestyle adjustments. We provide our patients with support and resources for better movement, nutrition, mindset, and recovery habits to improve adaptability to physical, chemical, and mental stress.
What to Expect when Beginning Chiropractic Care
Introductory Call
To learn more about chiropractic care and discuss your unique needs or challenges, we recommend that you schedule a 15-minute introductory call. Our Patient Care Coordinator can also assist you in scheduling your consultation appointment.
Consultation Appointment
We will begin building a relationship and foundation for your well-being in the consultation session. Each consultation appointment includes initial testing, including a balance test, blood pressure check, and Heart Rate Variability, which measures the nervous system’s ability to adapt to stress.
In conversation with a Family First doctor, you’ll discuss your health concerns, relevant medical history, and what you hope to gain from chiropractic care. You can expect to understand better how your symptoms relate to their cause.
Finally, the doctor will perform a detailed exam which includes a scan of your nervous system, muscle system, posture picture, and specific x-rays to determine how to best care for you.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Our goal is to help you experience less pain and decreased symptoms by increasing your adaptability to life’s stressors. Over time, you’ll develop a greater awareness of the signals communicated by your body and feel empowered to make decisions aligned with your health, curiosity, and evolution.
Get Started with an Introductory Call
Experience fewer symptoms and feel more resilient to life’s challenges. Schedule a 15-minute call with our Patient Care Coordinator to start your wellness journey today.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if chiropractic care is right for me?
If you’re looking for a partner and guide in your wellness journey, Family First chiropractic care may be right for you. We care deeply for your highest well-being, focus on nervous system function, and we strive to share resources that have the potential to impact your life positively.
What is an adjustment? Is it painful?
Are you currently accepting new patients?
Do you take insurance?
How does payment work?
How frequently should I expect to come for care?
How long before I can see the positive impacts of chiropractic care?
7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:30am
1:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
Family First Chiropractic
2155 Green Vista Dr Ste 202
Sparks, NV 89431